I was always up to go on a Jay fleet.īut for reasons so far unknown, he followed the path of Karttoon, if in a considerably less destructive way. There was a long running “Gay4Jay” meme in fleet chat along with the apocryphal tale about him being Asher’s son. This was a bit of a surprise to me as Jay was always a pretty happy and affable as an FC. It appears that long time FC and director of Goonswarm, Jay Amazingness, came back after a break and decided to stick it to Goons just before downtime, yanking modules and rigs from the Imperium staging Keepstar in 1DQ1-A and stealing some ISK and capital ships that were available to grab. I woke up yesterday morning and in scrolling though things in bed on my iPad I saw a tweet from Greybill about pods being destroyed in the 1DQ1-A. Well, score another one for Twitter in the breaking news column. Some BPOs were stolen, some caps and other hangars. He got money from various wallets but not our main savings accounts. We think the most recent clones installed were the ones that got hit first. Luckily it was so close to downtime that it seems like 70% of clones were not destroyed.
He also pulled the modules and rigs in the Imperial Palace. It appears that Jay Amazingness has gone fuckgoons and stolen stuff on his way out.